
Neck pains, headaches, dizzy spells

A man told the doctor he had severe neck pains, throbbing headaches, and dizzy spells. After a thorough examination, the doctor said there was no mistake about it -- he had only two months to live. The doomed man decided to spend all his money and enjoy his remaining life. First, he'd get something he always longed for -- a dozen tailor-made silk shirts.

While measuring him, the tailor said, "That's a size 17 neck."

"Hold on," said the man, "I wear a 15 1/2."

The tailor remeasured him: "You're definitely size 17".

The man insisted: "I'm a 15 1/2. I always wear a 15 1/2, and that's what I want."

"Okay," said the tailor, "but if you wear a 15 1/2, you'll have severe neck pains, throbbing headaches, and dizzy spells."

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